Transformational Coaching


Joy. Freedom. Expansion.

Are you seeking change, growth or harmony but you're unsure where to start? I am here to help you.

The Art of Allowing coaching programme has been carefully designed to help you clarify your purpose and then invest in deliberately creating what you desire.

I support you every step of the way along this life-changing journey of self-discovery.

Book a free discovery call to find out more



Magic happens when we are conscious, deliberate and purposeful in allowing our natural talents and resources to drive solutions. ... Tasneem

After 25 years in the corporate world, Tasneem Rajie founded The Art of Allowing to fulfil her life purpose - helping people and businesses find clarity and consciously create success.

Tasneem is a certified coach and has completed postgraduate courses in HR, organisational development and management.

  • Integral Coaching Certification - The Centre for Coaching, UCT Graduate School of Business
  • Associate Coaching Certification- The Centre for Coaching, UCT Graduate School of Business
  • Certified Enneagram Coach - Cloverleaf University

The Art of Allowing Coaching Programme

Consciously Create Your Reality


The ultimate goal of the human experience is to live a satisfying, joyous and fulfilled life, with its very basis being freedom. It is well documented how many people have applied knowledge of the powerful laws of the universe to manifest precisely this quality of life ... Tasneem

The Art of Allowing coaching programme is a 10-part journey to recognise who you truly are and help you consciously create the reality you desire.

Do you desire something different to your current reality? Have you tried other processes and are still dissatisfied or want change? The Art of Allowing coaching programme will help you create the reality you want.

If you are tired of the status quo and ready for change, this is the journey for you. The destination is life consistent with your true nature, one that is inherently peaceful and unconditionally fulfilled. You will safely explore the reality of your true nature and learn the art of conscious creation.

The tried and tested programme is based on the Law of Attraction and the 12 laws of the universe. It incorporates non-duality, metaphysics, philosophy and quantum physics and leads you on a direct path to self, unlocking your inherent power which already exists.

Roadmap on this 10-part journey of self-discovery includes:

  • Clarity on your purpose and destination
  • Recognition of your true self through experiential exploration
  • Mastering the art of deliberate creation
  • The 12 Laws of the Universe
  • Processes and tools to apply in every area of your life
  • Full coaching support

I help you consciously create the reality you want

Book a free Q&A session with Tasneem

3-steps to conscious success

Book A Free Discovery Call
